Quiet Keys will easily install in all vertical pianos made, anywhere in the world, after 1930.

"Over Damper" Upright Pianos made in the UK before
World War II will not except the Quiet Keys unit.
Shown looking down through the piano's lid.

"An inferior, antiquated piano will have its dampers
OVER the hammers, obscuring them from view".

Description and graphic courtesy of http://www.headingley-pianos.co.u

"Capo d'astro" fitted Uprights
All vertical pianos are fitted with a pressure bar that is placed under the tunning pins and runs the length of the scale holding pressure downward against the strings. The pressure bars vary in girth depending on design and will present no installation problem for Quiet Keys with one exception. An example, shown below, of one of the upright pianos made in the United States prior to 1930 where the pressure bar, labeled as a "Capo d'astro" bar, is so large that the hammers of the extreme treble octave end up directly below it. The extreme treble octave in these pianos does not leave room enough for Quiet Keys' muting felt. Quiet Keys can still be installed in these pianos but the felt needs to be trimmed away for no muting on the most treble octave.
Capo 2 Capo1
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